Lockers in the Lobby

Lockers in the Lobby

Lockers in the Lobby of Duane G. Meyer LibraryYesterday, Wednesday, September 16, 2020, sixteen lockers were installed in the main lobby of Duane G. Meyer Library in the heart of the Springfield campus of Missouri State University. Because the library lobby is available 24/7 to BearPass holders, the lockers also are available 24/7.

These lockers are intended for short-term use to either pick up or drop off many types of loaned library materials, from books to laptops. This is one small improvement that aligns with a facet of our current five-year plan to increase and improve self-serve options for library users. In this time of pandemic, these lockers will reduce the number of instances where two or more people touch the same object or surface in quick succession. 

The two CarTalk hostsThe official launch date for this new service has not yet been determined. The policies and procedures for the service are still being developed. 

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