MSU Family Weekend Fun in Duane G. Meyer Library

MSU Family Weekend Fun in Duane G. Meyer Library

Photo of Family Weekend activities in the library lobbyDozens of MSU families visited Duane G. Meyer Library last Saturday morning to partake in the Family Weekend activities. As always, the carillon tours were popular, as were the AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) headsets-on demos. The button machine was getting a lot of use, too, by children of all ages. Popcorn and cool drinks were welcome on this gorgeous day on campus. All of the library faculty members, library staff members, and library student employees did a great job of planning for and presenting all these engaging activities.

All these events led into BearFest Village (the pre-game happening), which in turn led into the football game. The MSU Bears defeated the Illinois State University Redbirds, which at the time were ranked 9th in the country at this level of play.

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