Good Read: Top Library Tech Trends

Good Read: Top Library Tech Trends

Image of DuoSkin technologyThe May 2017 issue of American Libraries contained an interesting article about “Top Library Tech Trends” that libraries of all types may want to consider implementing for users. Some of these trends the MSU Libraries already is embracing, such as the inexpensive Google Cardboard virtual reality viewers, available through Music and Media on the Second Level of Duane G. Meyer Library. Others, such as creating a virtual tour of the physical library, using a 360-degree camera, are currently possible here, because we have the equipment and expertise, but have not yet been implemented. Still others, such as temporary body art designs that are also electrical circuits, which can control portable devices, would require more investigation and testing at the local level. The DuoSkin technology from the MIT Media Lab, for example, “is a fabrication process that enables anyone to create customized functional devices that can be attached directly on their skin.” Some libraries are using newer technologies to improve internal operations, such as new, less-expensive data analysis tools to improve workflows. Gamification platforms are being used in K-12 schools to make review sessions, pretests, and quizzes more engaging and entertaining, as well as instructive.

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