MSU Libraries to Administer LibQUAL+ Survey

The Missouri State University Libraries, anchored on the main Springfield campus, plans to administer the LibQUAL+ survey to the MSU higher education community before the end of the academic year next May.
Quoting from the LibQual website: “LibQUAL is a web-based survey offered by the Association of Research Libraries that helps libraries assess and improve library services, change organizational culture, and market the library. The survey instrument measures library users’ minimum, perceived, and desired levels of service quality across three dimensions: Affect of Service, Information Control, and Library as Place.”
“Through 2020, over 1,300 libraries have participated in LibQUAL, collecting over 2.9 million library user responses. LibQUAL has been implemented in libraries in 35 countries, and the project supports 20 language translations. LibQUAL continues to expand into new environments with implementations in a variety of institution types including college/university, community college, health sciences, high school, academic law, academic military, public, hospital, and state libraries.”
Corrie Hutchinson will be hired on a “non-student, part-time” basis to assist with this process. Ms. Hutchinson has been an academic librarian in Missouri for 20 years, most recently as the Associate University Librarians of ACTS at the University of Missouri in Columbia.
The results and action items from the LibQUAL+ survey, including analyses of the survey results, will be shared and discussed broadly.