Upcoming Changes to My EBSCOhost Folder Access

One effect of this change was that users accessing EBSCOhost systems (e.g., Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, EBSCO Discovery Service, and more) had a My EBSCOhost account created for them. Among other functionality, this account provides persistent access to a My EBSCOhost folder, giving users the ability to save search results for later reference.
As we near the changeover date from our existing catalog system to EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), as part of the First FOLIO at MSU Libraries project, we need to make a change to the connection between OpenAthens and EDS to support patron empowerment functionality (view and renew loans, manage holds, etc.). Unfortunately, this change will cause a new My EBSCOhost account to be created for every user.
Users who previously created a personal My EBSCOhost account using EBSCO’s manual registration process will have the opportunity to merge their accounts, but users who previously signed in to an EBSCOhost databases or EDS via OpenAthens will lose access to their existing folder. To mitigate the negative effects of this change, EBSCO recommends utilizing their shared folder functionality to share an existing My EBSCOhost Folder with yourself via email. This will allow you to copy the contents of your previous folder to your new profile.
The change to the connection between OpenAthens and EDS will go into effect between 10:00 PM, Monday, May 25, 2020 and 1:00 AM Tuesday, May 26, 2020. You will need to complete the sharing process from your existing My EBSCOhost Folder before that time.
If you experience issues sharing or accessing your My EBSCOhost folder, before or after May 26th, please email Brooks Travis, LIT Coordinator, at brookstravis@missouristate.edu or reach out to us via Ask a Librarian.