First FOLIO at MSU Project Updates

First FOLIO at MSU Project Updates

Shakespeare's First FolioHere are some points of progress and pride during the first week of the “First FOLIO at MSU” Project:

  1. On Tuesday a press release about this major project was distributed.
  2. Responses to preliminary planning surveys from both EBSCO and OpenAthens are being completed and returned. Our responses will help these partners to prepare to implement their systems at MSU.
  3. Meetings with various libraries in the region and state are being arranged to discuss possible reciprocal borrowing agreements. Because the First FOLIO at MSU Project will necessitate that the MSU Libraries cease being a partner in the MOBIUS Consortium, reciprocal borrowing agreements will enable the MSU Libraries to share resources with other libraries in an effective, efficient manner. The MSU Libraries continues to be deeply committed to resource sharing and deep collaboration with other libraries, museums, archives, and other cultural memory organizations. 
  4. Various implementation advisory working groups are being formed to help us tackle the nitty gritty details that will drive the following facets that will bring this massive project to a successful launch and ongoing operations:
    1. Identity and Access Management (OpenAthens)
    2. ERM (E-Resource Management)
    3. FOLIO (LSP — Library Services Platform)
    4. Discovery Layer (EDS — EBSCO Discovery Service)
    5. E-Resources (leased)
    6. Resource Sharing and Fulfillment Services
    7. Training and Cross-Training
    8. Communications 
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