Rachel Besara Has Two Articles Published

Rachel Besara Has Two Articles Published

Rachel Besara

In the last few months, Rachel Besara, Associate Dean of Library Services at MSU, co-authored two articles  that have been published in professional journals:

  1. Demeter, Michelle; Besara, Rachel; Colvin, Gloria; and Birmingham, Bridgett. 2018. “Send in the Crowds: Planning and Benefiting from Large-scale Academic Library Events.Marketing Libraries Journal 2 (1): 86-95. “[T]he authors detail four different events that can be replicated in an effort to show how
    easy and beneficial large-scale events can be within the academic library community.”
  2. Besara, Rachel, and Renaine, Julian. 2018. “Building a Culture of Strategic Risk-taking in a Science Library: Creating Psychological Safety and Embracing Failure.” Journal of New Librarianship 3: 48-52. “More importantly, how do you create a culture where people feel free to take risks and, sometimes, fail?”
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