Fit Desk Pulls Up Stakes

Fit Desk Pulls Up Stakes

One of the two fit desks available on the Third Level of Duane G. Meyer Library recently became so buff that it pulled up stakes and moved down one level, in anticipation of the renovation of the southwest area of thePhoto of a Fit Desk in the MSU Meyer Library Second Level this summer. The fit desks have proven to be quite popular with library users and employees, but the Space Committee (Jessica Bennett, Tracy Stout, Nathan Neuschwander, and Tom Peters) noticed that, when the two fit desks were side-by-side and one was in use, the other one rarely was.  So, the Space Committee, charged with optimizing the use, usability, usefulness, and comfort of the public spaces in the building that are managed by the MSU Libraries, decided to move one of the fit desks. If both fit desks — now separated — prove useful, we’ll investigate getting more.

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