Brightspace LMS in Early Adopter Phase

Brightspace LMS in Early Adopter Phase

Associate Professor Jessica Bennett of MSU Libraries
Associate Professor Jessica Bennett

With the start of a new academic year always is hectic, but especially so this year because Missouri State University is now in the early adopter stage of implementing Brightspace from D2L, the new Learning Management System (LMS) for MSU, succeeding BlackBoard. The migration period is scheduled to conclude next spring.

Jessica Bennett, a member of the Library Science faculty, is one of the approximately fifty early adopters of Brightspace at MSU. Jessica provided the following progress report:

  • Introducing Brightspace by D2L, a groundbreaking learning management system that is reshaping the educational landscape. As an early adopter, I’ve had the opportunity to experience firsthand the transformative power of this platform.
  • With Brightspace, course design takes on a new dimension. Interactive and visually engaging content becomes effortless to create, making the learning experience not only informative but captivating.
  • Personalized learning is a hallmark of Brightspace. The system empowers educators to tailor their approach for each student, fostering better comprehension and mastery of course materials.
  • Collaboration is seamless through tools like discussion boards, group projects, and real-time collaboration features. Students can actively engage with peers and ideas, even in virtual settings.
  • The data-driven insights provided by Brightspace are invaluable. They offer educators a comprehensive view of student performance, enabling refinement of teaching strategies for optimal results.
  • Accessibility is at the forefront, allowing students to learn from any device at their convenience. This flexibility enhances the learning experience and accommodates diverse learning styles.
  • Brightspace by D2L represents not just a technological advancement, but a paradigm shift in education.  Please reach out if you have questions!
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