Derek Moser is Lead Author of JAL Article

Derek Moser is Lead Author of JAL Article

Derek MoserDerek Moser, Assistant Professor of Library Science at Missouri State University, and the Director of Resource Management and Discovery at the MSU Libraries, is the principal author of an article that has been published in volume 49 of The Journal of Academic Librarianship. The title of the article is “How Six Religious Pedagogies Can Inform ACRL Threshold Concepts for IL Instruction Training.” 

Abstract: Due to a lack of formal pedagogical training in Library Science graduate programs, early career librarians are often unprepared to teach information literacy courses. This is problematic for those whose responsibilities include library instruction, creating a need for librarians to develop the skill of identifying and applying pedagogy to their information literacy courses. We argue that librarians can benefit from looking at specialized educational contexts, as those contexts make use of unique pedagogies that students are exposed to on a regular basis. By looking at six different pedagogies found within the context of religious education, and then by aligning those pedagogies with the six threshold concepts of the ACRL Framework, we seek to model the type of pedagogical identification and application that can benefit librarians in any given context. 

Congratulations, Derek!

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