Tweets of Local Interest Archive Project
The Tweets of Local Interest project, an initiative of the Missouri State University Libraries, involves collecting information on specific Twitter tags using the TAGS (Twitter Archiving Google Sheet) system created by Martin Hawksey. MSU President Clif Smart has been an active user of Twitter for years. The TAGS system was set up for this project by MSU Libraries Technology Strategist Nathan Neuschwander, and the harvested Tweets are archived by Special Collections and Archives, a part of the Missouri State University Libraries. Information collected includes the text of the tweet, when the tweet was created, the user’s handle, the user’s location (if available), how many followers and friends that account has, and type of device used (such as Android or iPhone).
Special Collections and Archives is also working with the Internet Archives’ Archive-It program to crawl the university’s website and social media platforms in the standard WARC (Web ARChive) format.
This project is ongoing. For questions or access to the collected information, contact Special Collections and Archives at