MSU Libraries Implementing StackMap to Make Items Easy to Find

MSU Libraries Implementing StackMap to Make Items Easy to Find

After this global pandemic subsides and Duane G. Meyer Library reopens, books and other items in MSU Libraries’ physical collections will become even easier to find, thanks to a new software tool called StackMap.

With StackMap, every study room and every book on the shelf will be precisely physically mapped for users looking for these things in our online and virtual spaces. For example, when a user searches the catalog for an item or books, a map to the exact item sought will be available at the click of a button.

As the physical spaces and collections evolve within the physical library, StackMap keeps all users up-to-date through the catalog on where items are, whether items have temporarily been relocated for a renovation, or a more permanent move is underway. Furthermore, StackMap will enable us to increase the findability of items included in special displays and focused collections within the library.

StackMap providesStackMap example floorplan other wayfinding solutions, for example, a user kiosk to assist with wayfinding within the building. This is StackMap’s newest feature, and will allow us to build on suggestions from our recent collaboration with MSU interior design Studio Learning students.

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