“First FOLIO at MSU” Updates as of Dec. 19th

“First FOLIO at MSU” Updates as of Dec. 19th

  • EDS Discovery Layer: The Discovery Layer Implementation Advisory Working Group is very close to finalizing the initial configuration of MSU’s new EDS Discovery Layer. The new link will “go live” early in January, as the first step in a phased implementation. Crystal Dicke will be giving demonstrations of the new discovery layer soon, and she will continue to gather feedback and suggestions.
  • ReShare Project logoProject ReShare: The Open Library Foundation (OLF) has been working on a collaborative project to develop and deploy this new system. A Dec. 15, 2018 press release described ReShare as “a new and open approach to library resource sharing systems. ReShare aims to inject new life into this space by developing an innovative, community-owned resource sharing platform.”

    MSU is exploring becoming a Founding Member of Project ReShare.  Several libraries recently became Founding Members, including the Louisiana State University Libraries, Michigan State University Libraries, Texas A&M University Libraries, The University of Alabama Libraries, and the University of Chicago Library. A Nov. 15, 2019 press release noted, “ReShare’s Founding Members Program allows libraries and consortia to contribute to Project ReShare and have a clear voice in the project’s direction. By becoming Founding Members, these organizations have expressed enthusiasm for the development of this community-owned interlibrary loan infrastructure, as well as a demonstrated commitment to ensuring Project ReShare remains a user-centered, innovative force for resource sharing in libraries. Project ReShare, together with these new members, will continue in its mission to work directly with libraries to improve the value and impact of resource sharing networks and the tools used to support them.” 
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