Budget Update

Budget Update

Photo of Meyer LibraryApproximately 75% of MSU’s budget is for human resources (salaries, wages, and benefits). At the MSU Town Hall Meeting on Monday afternoon, April 10, President Smart noted that non-academic cost centers (e.g. Student Life, Athletics, Alumni Affairs) plan to cut 4.9% from their operating budgets. A total of $2.8 million will be cut from the non-academic cost centers . The colleges, including the Libraries, need to cut 1.2% from their budgets or $1.248 million. At the Provost’s Budget Committee meeting on Wednesday morning, April 12, we learned that The total budget gap for the nine cost centers in Academic Affairs (COAL, COB, COE, CHHS, CHPA, CNAS, COAG, LIBR, and GRAD) is $1,248,493.  If the Internet Incentive for faculty members who teach Internet courses remains at its current level of $55 per student per 3-credit hour course, the Libraries’ budget gap (i.e., the amount we need to permanently remove from our annual operating budget) is $76,358.  If the Internet Incentive is reduced to $40 per student per course, the Libraries’ budget gap will be $75,958. The Libraries’ Budget Committee is reviewing its previous, larger plan and deciding how to cut approx. $76,000 from our operating budget.

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