Float fishing book to be published this month

Float fishing book to be published this month

By the end of July, the Ozarks Studies Institute, an initiative of the Missouri State University Libraries, will publish On The River: A History of the Ozarks Float Trip by local authors Tom Koob and Curtis Copeland. The book chronicles the development and transformation of a distinctive regional sport.

Cover Design for the newest book from the Ozarks Studies Institute. The book is about float fishing. This is an image of a lithograph by Thomas Hart Benton of men in a boat going down a river.
The cover of On The River, the latest book from the OSI, featuring Thomas Hart Benton’s lithograph entitled “Down The River”

According to Mark McCarty, manager of printing and postal services at MSU, the book has already been printed and trimmed. It is ready to be perfect bound.

“We’ll start binding it tomorrow,” he said. “It’s going to take a couple of days to bind and it’s going to take a couple of days to do the final trim.” 

After the book is perfect bound, it must sit for 24 hours to let the glue cool and cure. The final trim will be completed after that.

McCarty anticipates that the books will be delivered and ready for purchase by July 31, 2024. At the very latest, he said the books would be delivered by August 1.

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