Introducing student worker Elease McFall

Introducing student worker Elease McFall

The Ozarks Room has a second student administrative assistant. Hailing from Oronogo, Missouri, her name is Elease McFall and she is a senior French major at Missouri State University with double minors in biomedical science and dance.

picture of student worker, Elease McFall. She is wearing brown shorts and a green shirt.
Elease McFall

As she nears the end of her time as an undergraduate, she is planning ways to use her education in the real world. “Currently, I want to work professionally as a dancer, but on the side, I want to work in a hospital to build up a resume for PT school to specialize in dancers,” Elease said.

But dance wasn’t her only passion as a kid. Her literary interests led her to her position in Meyer library. “I actually had a childhood dream of working in a library,” she said. “I loved books. So I was excited when I saw this position available.”

Elease’s position will involve a variety of projects that support the library’s success.

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