Phase 1 of study room renovations wraps up
The Duane G. Meyer Library’s second floor study room renovations are heading into their second phase. Approximately 10 rooms of the roughly 19 total rooms are finished. MSU’s Campus Construction Team is removing old permanent desks, patching the walls, and painting while Scott Rice Office Works (soon to be Circadian) is bringing in new furniture.
“We recognized that study rooms needed to be updated,” said Holly Kouns, coordinator of public services. “We wanted to provide as many options for people as possible, which includes the option to stand, the option to sit, the option to cuddle up so you can study most effectively.”

Rooms 201 B, C, D, and F have soft seating, alternative lighting, a footstool, and an extendable table. Rooms 229-232 will also have this lounge-style seating. Rooms 201 H-M will have the traditional desk setup, while rooms 217-223 will have adjustable tables and compatible chairs, which will make the rooms accessible to people with unique mobility needs.
“They should be at the height that anyone can use them, but if we needed to adjust it for access purposes, we are more than happy to do that,” said Kouns.
On Wednesday, January 29, two freshmen students were already using the soft seating rooms. Becca Johnson and Ellie Smith, both animal science majors, made a reservation for the first time. Johnson was working on chemistry while Smith kept her company.
“It keeps me out of my dorm so I can actually focus and it’s a small room where there’s no distractions,” said Johnson. “And it’s free!”
“I probably will use it when we reach finals time again because it’s nice,” Smith said.
The final phase is slated for completion by Friday, February 14. It is possible, though, that the installations could be finished anytime that week of February 10.