Derek Moser Appointed to MSU Strategic Plan Committee

Derek Moser, Assistant Professor of Library Science and Head of Content Management and Discovery at the Missouri State University Libraries, has been appointed to serve on the MSU Strategic Plan Committee.
Zora Mulligan, Executive Vice President, and Ken Brown, Chief Academic Strategy Officer, are serving as co-chairs. The committee brings together faculty, staff, student, alumni, and community voices and ideas on how to move the university forward over the next five years.
Quoting from the MSU website: “The new plan will be driven by input and feedback from faculty, staff, and students, as well as alumni, friends, community and business leaders, and other stakeholders. These groups will have opportunities throughout the year to engage in the process, which includes four phases.”
The SPC has a tight timeline. The goal is to present the plan to the MSU Board of Governors (BOG) at the May 8, 2025 BOG meeting.
Congratulations, Derek, on being named to serve on this important committee.