Tracy Stout Leads MSU’s OER Study Team

Tracy Stout Leads MSU’s OER Study Team

Diagram of the MSU CAP workflowOne facet of MSU’s CAP (Continuous Agility Process) initiative focuses on Open Educational Resources (OER), and Tracy Stout, a library science faculty member of the Missouri State University Libraries, is providing local and statewide leadership on this initiative.

The Academic Affairs CAP is a systematic, ongoing process that keeps academic affairs fresh, relevant and market-savvy. As part of a learning and growing organization, the process is designed to be continuous and agile.

The April 30, 2024 CAP report to the MSU Board of Governors notes:

  • Output 3: Open Educational Resources (OER) study team (American Association of Colleges & Universities, AAC&U, year-long membership)
  • Intended output: Complete year-long study and produce report recommendations by summer 2024
  • Responsible: Tracy Stout; Accountable: John Jasinski

We are on track to complete AAC&U’s year-long study and produce report recommendations by summer 2024.

  • The team reviewed data on OER use and OER interest on campus, addressed increasing OER awareness and explored an OER Champions program. OER offers a solution to the challenges associated with inclusive access textbook programs on campuses by providing freely accessible and adaptable educational materials. OER promotes affordability, equity and flexibility, ensuring that all students have access to quality learning resources without financial barriers.
  • We hosted the MO A&OER Conference, which was held virtually on March 7, 2024. 
  • Team members presented on OER at a Student Government Association (SGA) meeting. SGA shows interest in assisting with recognizing faculty who utilize OER in their courses. This is a first step towards creating the OER Champions program. 
  • The OER team received the Faculty Watch survey results, which indicate OER awareness efforts have already made a slight impact and that faculty on campus are interested in using OER and other free resources for their students.
  • To begin gathering student perspectives, OER textbook-related questions were added to the psychology program’s exit survey, and similar questions will be added to specific courses that are using an OER Calculus textbook. Further study of these survey results is ongoing and will be included in the team’s final report and recommendations. 
  • The OER team expects its work to extend beyond the AAC&U Institute on OER, which ends June 11, 2024. 
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