The MSU Libraries at Showcase
Next Wednesday the 32nd annual Showcase on Teaching and Learning will be held in the Plaster Student Union on the MSU campus. The MSU Libraries will have several presentations.
Jessica and Tracy to Promote New Library Space: Jessica Bennett and Tracy Stout will have a table at the upcoming FCTL’s 32nd Showcase on Teaching and Learning. Showcase is an opportunity for faculty to highlight their teaching and learning and reaches approximately 350-400 faculty who attend. Space is an important part of the teaching and learning process, and the library has been working hard to update our spaces to best meet the needs of our students. Showcase allows us the opportunity to feature and promote our new RIS Commons space. This space was developed in conjunction with Color Art and Steelcase. Our focus was creating a balance of the types of spaces students want to learn in. Some of these types of spaces include private/alone, public/alone, private/together, and public/together. We encourage those who have yet to see the new space to come and visit!
- Jan, Scott, and Tom to Promote Interdisciplinary Space and New Tech Services: Tom, Scott, Jan, and others will be working a service unit table during the 32nd Showcase on Teaching and Learning on August 16, 2017 between 9:30 and 11:30. We will be talking to people about the idea of developing an interdisciplinary space and new technology that is available at the library, such as virtual reality and augmented reality. We are excited for the opportunity to speak with faculty and administration about the important work being done by everyone at the library.